Patient Journey to weight loss
The Allurion Gastric Balloon Program is available to individuals who meet the following criteria:
Age 18 and above
BMI 27 and above
Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
No history of stomach or esophageal surgery
Book Phone Consult
The first phone or in-person consultation costs $398, which is required to be prepaid. The good news is that this amount will be deducted from the total price of the Allurion package if you decide to proceed with the Allurion balloon. Alternatively, you may be able to claim this cost on your insurance policy. We look forward to supporting your journey!
Dr Rick Cirolli, will explain the Allurion program in detail and discuss your medical history to ensure your suitability for the Gastric Allurion Balloon
No Surgery, No Anaesthesia, No Endoscopy
A quick 20 minutes procedure
Allurion devices & Nutritionist
The Allurion Program synergistically incorporates medical knowledge, personalised six months nutrition guidance, and an array of advanced digital tools to facilitate swift, wholesome, and enduring weight loss outcomes.
Allurion Connected Smart Scale
Health Tracker
Mobile Allurion App
Nutritional Support
Heath Coach (optional)